Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well, today was an okay day. Had an argument with someone who was wrong, and won (Or so it seemed). All in all, okay.

But the weird thing is that today, whenever someone annoyed me, I just wanted to bite them. I have no idea what it means, but it might mean that I am turning into a vampire. My canines aren't getting any sharper, but I might just be at the beginning stages of vampirism (Is that even a word?). Pretty soon I will want to actually penetrate through the skin when I bite, and then soon after that, I will start sucking blood.

Yes, its official, I am turning into a vampire. Immortality, here I come!
Although, I don't recall getting bit by a vampire... Maybe he bit me in my sleep? I am sure I would have woken if two sharp objects penetrated my skin... Maybe it was a tiny vampire? A midget vampire? Maybe his fangs where tiny, and so I felt nothing. Its possible!

Later my little poodles. I am off to see the sunset for the last time ever.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Introduction (or something)

Hey, its late and I want to play a bit of TF2 (Team Fortress 2 for those living in a cave and eating poison bats [if you arent dead yet, that is {Although, I suppose if you were already dead, you wouldn't be able to read this. Maybe heaven has computers with internet? Or maybe hell does. Depends I suppose}]). So, before I go, heres a bit about me.

My name is Nate. Thats it, no last name. I hate blogs. I am also a hypocrite, (Its fun to insult yourself!) and I like to contradict myself. I pretty much have no life, so I thought I would make this blog so I can write down all the thoughts that go through my head. It gets pretty hard when you have so much to say, but no one to say it to.

I think thats enough about me for now. Its 12 AM and I need to get some TF2 time before bed time. (You know you need to stop playing games when they become a chore)

I will see you tomorrow! (Although I doubt ANYONE reads this! Who am I so important anyway? Mine is just one of many millions of blogs out there. I feel so small. )